Regenerating Earths Lands

Protecting Earth's Existing Edens

Regenerating Landscapes

It’s vitally important that we humans collectively protect our planet’s life support systems, facilitate land regeneration to support biodiversity, in turn, helping local communities thrive. Together, we can help the earth heal.

Our Land Regeneration Approach

Project & Partner Selection

Greenpaw selects partners that protect established biodiverse forests and accelerate the healing and regenerative potential of nature. Your contributions support projects designed to provide a range of resilient, long-term solutions to many of the global challenges we face in the world today. A ‘whole-system approach’ is where everything on the land benefits.

Whole-System Approach
How We Help The Planet

  • Producing oxygen  
  • Planting trees and shrubs  
  • Capturing carbon  
  • Enhancing soil  
  • Cleaning and managing water  
  • Growing crops  
  • Protecting biodiversity  
  • Supporting local communities and land caretakers

High Ethical Standards

Open & Transparent

Greenpaw openly and transparently operate our services to a high ethical standard. Our feedback impact reports will show you exactly how important your investment into the future of the earth is, whether helping to protect, or regenerate our natural lands to the thriving state they should be in.

Greenpaw Impact

Since our launch on 1st March 2024 to 31st December 2024


Trees Planted


Hectares Regenerated


Tonnes of C02e offset


Trees to be planted by 2030

Working with the kalunga

Voices of the Cerrado

Learn more on how we're restoring biodiversity, working with the Kalunga & revitalising ecosystems in Brazil's savanna.

More Information

How can you help strengthen climate change resilience?

Calculate your carbon footprint today and help us restore degraded lands caused by human activity, bringing back vital biodiversity.

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